Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 16 1/15/08 I love the 80's

Day 16 makes me think of the movie 16 candles for some reason. That's my association with the number 16. That, or the horribly MTV Show, My Super Sweet 16. For the record I can no longer watch MSS- it makes me physically ill. Those your kids live in such a non-reality I can't stand it. They have to sense of self, only shopping and they threaten that their birthday will be ruined if they don't get the perfect car, or if the perfect band doesn't play, or if they don't perfect party. They spend more on their 16th birthday parties than I did on my first house and car, combined. Maybe I'm slightly jealous, but I don’t think that's it. If my parents had that kind of money, I'd spend it on a lot wiser purchases. I can't even imagine what these kid's 18th, 21st and god forbid weddings are going to be like. That' is a lifestyle I can't imagine, and wouldn't want. So, I search for jobs that will keep me in warm in my house and dressed in my clothes, but no designer duds for me

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