Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 20 1/21/08 MLK Day

Today it dawns on me. Today, MLK day it dawns on me. After a productive day of reflection, Program 5 on the treadmill, lunch date with family friend and mom, homemade pizza it dawns on me. It dawns on me at 8:15 central/standard time just how difficult finding a job might be. I might be an insurmountable task. I rifle through job posting after job posting, wondering. I wonder if I'd like that job. I wonder if I'm even qualified. Do I use my potential non qualification as a crutch to not apply? Do I use the resume requirement to buy time until the job posting has bee removed? Do I use the "It's on Craig's List, is it safe" excuse disregarding my potential next dream job? Yes, today I've used all of these excuses. I find myself disappointed in myself tonight at 8:17pm. I shall not use any of these excuses tomorrow.

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