Monday, January 28, 2008

Day 26 1/28/08 The air we breathe

What an eventful morning, and it's only 10am. This morning Matt awoke to the smell of gas and determined that one burner on the stove had been left on low overnight. No flame and a cold stove, but one can never be too careful. I was the last one cooking, but I could swear I turned everything off. It doesn't matter, 2 hours and one Xcel repairman later we are in the clear. We are operating at only 1% gas concentration and are good to go. I'll leave the windows open for another hour or so, but all's well that ends well.

I have been up for an unusually long time already this morning, and it's given me a lot of time to knit, reflect and let my mind wander. I' checked my email, no response yet from my first application. I checked the internet this weekend and no postings that really strike my fancy. I'm growing weary and concerned, but my husband assures me things will be fine. I still know I made the right decision. Everything happens for a reason. In the words of Greg, "off to..."

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