Thursday, February 21, 2008

Day 44 2/21/08

The birds’ chirping actually woke me up today. I hope, dear God that that means spring is in the air. I couldn’t quite catch their medley, but it was fresh and soothing, just like the morning sun seeping in through my bedroom blinds. We warmed up ten degrees overnight and it feels like a heat wave. Woo hoo, swimsuit weather is just around the corner. Let’s hope not, because I’m not swim suit ready yet. Of course, when have I ever been? I’ve made, not kept, the same New Year’s resolution for over 10 years... it is of course, to loose weight. I of course, never fulfill that resolution. I am fine with that. I think God is also fine with that. If he wants me thin, he would’ve made me thin, given me willpower, or made food taste dreadful. He has done nothing of the kind. In futile attempts I continue to eat better and get on the dreadmill, I mean treadmill. Today was a good day spent with friends and filled with energy and happiness. I wonder how many calories happiness burns?

Miles walked today: 1.24

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