Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day 81 4/14/08 Thanks for the gift

Today I experienced the most wonderful gift. For about three minutes I got to spend time with my grandmother. We spend a lot of time together, but today I felt like she was actually there, actually present and with me. Upon entering their house she recognized me and told me to call her ‘grandma’. We also spent another couple minutes making the bed. Her moves were deliberate and precise. Today she knew how to make the bed and she didn’t fumble through confusion as she often does. The bad news was that these moments were all too fleeting. The bad news is also that she thinks she makes the bed every day when in fact, she hasn’t made the bed in months (grandpa does). But the good news is that I got three more minutes with her. They were good minutes. The good news is is that I was IN that moment with her. I recognized the gift I’d been given and I didn’t waste it. Today was precious.

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