Friday, May 2, 2008

Day 96 4/2/05 I know her name is Mary

A couple months ago I gave our mail carrier a gift for Valentine’s Day. It wasn’t anything special, just some hot cocoa for her to enjoy on a cold day. I meant to get her a gift for Christmas, but didn’t get to it. She delivered a package one day and thanked me for the gift. After out exchange I could’ve kicked myself for not asking her name. It’s a simple ritual, but one I find most people appreciate. I didn’t want to keep calling her our mail lady, or the mail carrier. She wasn’t defined by her job. Fast forward a couple months and she once again ring the bell to deliver a package. This time I will not miss my chance. I thank her for the gift and causally say, “I’m sorry, I forgot to ask your name last time.” To which she replied, “It’s Mary, an easy one to remember.” With that I replied, “ Nice to meet you Mary, I’m Jill. Thanks and have a good day.” Second crisis averted and I now know that our mail carrier’s name is Mary.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Day 96 5/1/08 Mayday May Day

Admittedly, I’ve been lax on my blog for the past couple weeks. So, instead of trying to go back and recreate witty blogs, instead I’ll take my guilt and channel it into a fresh start blog. I haven’t been blogging like I wanted to which, to me, is just another example of my lack of commitment. Let’s get real here, I’m NOT even working and I can’t manage a measly blog once a day. What is happening to me? I never thought I’d be the non working person who ran out of time in a day… maybe I have become that. At any rate, I do feel guilty for temporarily abandoning my blog, but I’m back and that’s what counts.

I think I didn’t blog for those weeks because, while I was enjoying that time, there was an under layer of confusion and sadness that has set in. It comes in small doses, but I feel it just the same. I am still happy with my decision and know it was the right one so I’m not sad about that. I think I’m just feeling a little bit lost these days. I think I’m also feeling conflicted because I do want to get a job, but I do enjoy not working. On top of that I realize that I’m not even thirty and not working is not an option. So I grapple with all of that and return to the keyboard, determined.