Friday, May 2, 2008

Day 96 4/2/05 I know her name is Mary

A couple months ago I gave our mail carrier a gift for Valentine’s Day. It wasn’t anything special, just some hot cocoa for her to enjoy on a cold day. I meant to get her a gift for Christmas, but didn’t get to it. She delivered a package one day and thanked me for the gift. After out exchange I could’ve kicked myself for not asking her name. It’s a simple ritual, but one I find most people appreciate. I didn’t want to keep calling her our mail lady, or the mail carrier. She wasn’t defined by her job. Fast forward a couple months and she once again ring the bell to deliver a package. This time I will not miss my chance. I thank her for the gift and causally say, “I’m sorry, I forgot to ask your name last time.” To which she replied, “It’s Mary, an easy one to remember.” With that I replied, “ Nice to meet you Mary, I’m Jill. Thanks and have a good day.” Second crisis averted and I now know that our mail carrier’s name is Mary.

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