Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 13 1/10/08 Not Friday the 13th

This feels strangely like Friday the 13th when today is clearly a Thursday. I didn't focus too much today on finding a job. Instead, I find myself telling myself (ugh) that I'll do it tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I'm motivated to find work, but I'm also motivated to explore this time off. I honestly haven't been bored a day yet. I woke up today, worked out, did a couple things around the house, met a friend for lunch, cleaned some fan blades and polished up my resume. All in a day's work. I'm also honestly excited and surprised that I haven't burnt out on TV. I originally thought that I'd watch more TV than I have been watching. Surprisingly, and pleasantly so, I've found other things to fill my time. My to do list is over halfway crossed off. I better start adding some more. However, only so much can be done in the winter. My spring "to do" list awaits and involves building a new garden, reviving any survivors from last year and planting a fresh crop. Look at me, it's only mid January and I'm already planning for spring. Spring has not sprung as it is only 21 degrees today, on this day, Thursday, not Friday, the 13th

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