Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Day 22 1/23/08 Naked Lunch... minus the naked part

Today I had lunch with a girlfriend (shout out to K2), and we had a wonderful afternoon together. We brooded over PB & J sandwiches and dished over steaming potato soup (homemade because soup is the best way to stretch a dollar and we're currently both unemployed). Our conversation strolled along as we spoke of the recent weeks, past relationships and current friendships. We wandered down memory lane, only to end at Reality Street. On Reality Street lives conversations about money and spending and debt and college. It's home to fear and frustration dashed with a tiny bit of hope. We ended lunch with your usual hug and all too cliche exchange of "We could talk for hours about this stuff. Let's do it again next week." And, if I haven't won the lotto, or scheduled that hot job interview, we will see each other again next week. And we will walk the talk.

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