Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day 24 1/24/08 Cover Me, Cover Letter

I've spent the morning, along with an hour or so last night pouring over job postings. What's out there? What do I want? Job descriptions are hilarious to me, I find you have to read between the lines to determine just what job you're applying for. When I left my previous job, I read over the job posting and understood... um, like 60% of it. 20% of it was simply stuffed with empty brand and buzz words and the other 20% was vague and generic. Overall it correlated to the job I'd been doing for over 6 years, but I don't know it was the actual job I'd been doing. I think weeding through the political red tape to tap into the heart of the job will be my biggest challenge of all. That, and the cover letter and writing samples I have to gather today to apply for my dream job (fingers crossed that they hire me)!

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