Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 28 1/30/08 Father time

I embark upon day 30 with surprising calmness. I spent most of yesterday reading a book. I haven't finished a book in two days, well, ever. I read and I read and I wanted to read more. I wanted to see how the story would end. Would the boy get the girl? Would the boy live? So I read until it ended and then I sat there and stared at the book, wondering. I haven't had a free day to designate to reading in a long time. I felt affected by the book and overwhelmed by the opportunity to spend the afternoon reading it. I sat safely under my melon green blanket, book in hand and water on the table. I was not going to leave the couch until I knew the fate of the characters that I'd become so involved in. It was a good day, a day that I shall not take for granted. I day that I will remember whenever I have idle time. I commit myself to growing and learning more ever chance I get because you never know when you might run out of chances.

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