Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 6 12/31/07 It's the end of the world as we know it... the end of 2007 at least

So, yes, technically I should be working today. We're ( I still say "we" even though I'm just "me" now) open after all. See, I still say "we" as if I'm still part of the Bulls eye family. I don't feel that distanced from them, but I think I am. I'm not part of that large machine and I no longer own the in store signing or spew commentary on the ads. I think it will be a very curious transition. I was so close to it all for so long I wonder if I am forever jaded and will never be able to go to Target as just their statistical
"guest". I wonder if I'll always know what's underlying in the commercials and print ads and in store signage. I wonder if I'll ever stop caring or even noticing.
Today is the last day of 2007. What a year it has been. It's like I've done nothing and everything all in the same year. It's like I was so scared that I just had to jump without a net. I know people think I'm crazy, but I'm going to make 2008 the best I can be. It has to be my year. It has to be our year. " 2008 is going to be great, and I might lose a little weight" Cheers!

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