Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 5 12/28/07 Got Crabs?

I don't them, but I am one. Am I crabby or what? I awoke today in a fine mood, but find that any little thing can set me off today. I think subconsciously life is sinking in and I'm also in the process of trying to recover from the holidays. I think I now realize that I don't have a job and I don't want to admit my fear out loud. I have been very productive today, checking tasks of my "to do" list. I assumed my list would take at least a month, but at this rate I'll be finished with everything in a week. Pace yourself. I wake up most days desperately wanting to write something of substance on Mlog, but so far, nothing. 8 days and counting. Pace yourself. I kicked my husband out of the house to go pursue his required academia at a coffee shop instead of our office. I need my space. Pace yourself. I'm hoping that some time alone will do me some good. I'm just in between projects and lunch- wow, doesn't that sound vague and spoiled. Ah, well, someone has to live this life. Pace Myself.

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