Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 4 12/27/07 The Final Countdown

I am counting all the days of "non work" including the weekends, and I think that may be a bit unfair. I will Mlog (aka my Blog. Also a distant reference to The Office where Michaels talks of his girlfriends anatomy that hang off "m'ladies chest") on weekend but only keep track of actual days to be fair. I had so many dreams last night I don't know where they came from. They mainly involved my high school friends and all of us trying to out to the bars. However, now that I'm up I realize there is a lot of grey area that I can't recall. When I was in the moment it all felt so real. I can even recall in my dream sitting at a dining room table talking to one friend on my right, but subtly overhearing the conversation of my two friends across the table. Those friends had dated years ago and from what I could overhear there were finally making peace with each other. I finally awoke after many hours of slumber. My years in the rat race have worn me out. I sleep so much these days, just letting myself drift into sleep and awake when my body tells me to. It is a luxurious life that I'm sure I could get used to. However, when we get home from holiday travel I will have to set an alarm and get up at a decent hour. I plan to wake up, exercise and then check things of my "to do" list. I will also start the job search and resume distribution, but I am still trying to enjoy this idle time. Thought, admittedly, unless I had some sort of part time or charity work lined up, I could not imagine not working long term. That's what I say today...

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