Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 7 1/2/08 I don't even know what day it is

Is it day 8 or day 9? I'm trying to reconcile this to myself since I am only counting those actual days that I would be working. Hmm... Is that sad that I need to give this thought and perhaps even count on my hands what day this is? What a day this was. I woke up with a to do list and actually got a few of the items checked off it. My list however, didn't include talking to my one girlfriend for forty five minutes and then talking to my other girlfriend for over two hours. 126 minutes and 32 seconds to exact. I checked my phone records. I think both calls are evidence that I needed a break. I mean, I couldn't exactly accommodate three hours of phone calls from my previous cube, now could I? It was great to touch base with my ladies and not feel rushed. I ran a few errands after that and now I find the day toiled away and it's time to hop online for my writing group. More tomorrow

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