Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 8, for real 1/3/08 Ladies who Lunch and Martha sucks

I've officially, for today at least, become a lady who lunches. I'm going to go meet a good girlfriend today for lunch. Once I gave my notice everyone at work joked that we were going to have lunch every day and just bum around. We are having lunch, and might do it again, but I didn't resign my post just so her and I could do lunch. I won't lie though; I am hoping we go Mexican so I can have a margarita at least. That would kick tequila ass! I dreamt a lot last night again, though I can't remember my dreams from last night. I woke up around 9 refreshed and ready for the day. I can't remember a string of days in which I awoke recharged for the day. It is a good feeling. As Martha Stewart would say, it's a”good thing". Speaking of her, she really bugs. I've been able to catch her on the craft channel lately and wow is she bitchy. She thinks she is the most perfect gift at the craft table. I felt bad for her guests. Her guests, the ones that CAME with the ideas were treated like worker bees. Ah, I could go on, and I digress. There is a lot more to be said about Martha and her addictive TV shows that I can't seem to stop watching. I will stop. She bugs me and I must take a stand.

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