Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 9 1/4/08 On the road AGAIN

That’s right, it's the gypsy life for me. This weekend we head up north with friends and family for a little retreat. It's a tradition. One trip in the summer and one trip in the winter. My sister's family won't be able to make this trip due to sick kids, but I guess kids get sick. We look forward to having them again in the summer. Since we're hitting the road, which means more errands today. Seriously, it's ridiculous, but I would fill up my day with fricken errands. I got a few run yesterday too. I joked to one of my friends that I wondered how I got anything done when I worked 40+ hours a week. I think that the more you have to do, the more you get done. It's easier for me to prioritize a larger list, and then check small things off. I won't complain though, I can go either way. Well, day 9 is feeling good. The thought of job hunting is forefront and at the back of my mind. I'm quietly enjoying this small amount of time to myself and I don't want to give that up. On the other hand, I know that I won't be 100% happy at home full time. If I could just win the lotto. If I did I would be generous to all who are generous to me and then I'd start my own business or charity or something.... A girl can dream can't she?!

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