Monday, February 4, 2008

Day 31 2/4/08 snow, snow and more snow

As I sit at the computer today, the snow swirls outside. It's bright white, light and blowing. I am comfortable and safe inside my office and in front of the computer screen. I settle in to write today and my mind wanders. I'm mentally checking off all the mundane chores I've already completed for the day:
Breakfast- check.
Shower- check.
Lunch for myself and Matt- check.
Clean kitchen- check.
Sweep floors- check.

This is enough for me, for today, however, what about tomorrow. The day after and the day after that. Will this be enough for me? The answer is not simple, it's yes and no. In so many ways I'm exited and blessed to be home for awhile, maintaining my happiness, the home and the harmony of a marriage. I embrace the opportunity to lunch with girlfriends and indulge in unhurried conversations. Getting lost in books is now a favorite pastime. However, are people judging me? Am I judging myself? Does it matter? I'm not sure; I nosh on all of this in my head. I think I need something more. I am convinced that I should would. I am convinced that I want to work. I will work and I will continue to live

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