Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day 37 2/12/08 Gone South

It’s a frigid day here in the upper Midwest and I miss the birds chirping. I miss the smell of spring, the sunshine of summer, and the cha-ching of my paycheck. It’s dark and dry and all the soprano sparrows have gone south for the winter. They moved on to bigger and better and when the going got tough, the weak migrated. I don’t blame them. This cold weather is enough to keep sane people inside and the job hunters, hunting from the snuggly confines of their laptop. I escape the chilling sun to my office. My usual routine of emailing and job searching commences. I haven’t found a lot of good worms today. Perhaps they won’t come out again until spring, but I have to keep looking. I’m not weak and I’m not going south. Something has to catch my eye. I’m such a contradiction, some days I care about the money, and others I just care about the cause. I think this winter, this long lasting, and five long weeks remaining winter is taking its toll. I will forge ahead.

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