Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 36 2/11/08 Not another manic Monday

I’m emailing people from my old job today. They are still friends; we are still friends, but of a different kind now. I feel so disconnected to that place, even though I’ve been less than two months. I feel like that job was in another place and time in my life. I treasure the memories, but feel separated from all of them now. The distance lends itself to perspective. It isn’t as big as it once was, and I’m no longer as small as I once was. Things are more balanced, and more as they should be. Some days I feel sorry for the friends that are still there, but everyone must find their own path and follow it. What was the right choice for me, isn’t the right choice for anyone else. I am lucky and I know it (clap your hands- to the tune of If You’re Happy and You Know It).

Today’s email session also produced a few jobs leads. At first I was tentative about them, but then I got the better of myself. I told myself that I would be an incredible asset and addition to any company and I should just go for it. Just do it. Heck, it worked for Nike why can’t it work for me? I’m feeling clear and positive today. Sure, still unsure about the future, but today that comforts me. My brain is awake and my creativity alive, with many prospects, thoughts and ideas mingling inside my noggin. Today I’m not washed over with a sense of guilt for not working; instead I’m inspired by a sense of pride in not working in the old capacity. I have been given a grand chance for change, and I must take that chance and change something.

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