Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day 42 2/19/08 Chicken soup for the soul

Today is a good day. It’s already four o’clock and I’m just now sitting down at the computer. I’ve already caught up with some old friends, run the usual errands and it’s about time to hit the shower after my workout. I’ve also set up a meeting with another contact later in the week. She’s currently an editor and a local magazine. She’s a great resource, and more importantly, a good family friend. I used to baby-sit for her children way back in the day. Her children are now 24, 19 and 16… that makes me feel old. It also makes me feel incredibly fortunate though. Not only have to have her as such a good resource for this transition period in my life, but this friendship demonstrates the strength and longevity of the relationships in my life. I’ve known this woman for over sixteen years and we’re still in contact. I’m blessed enough to be able to get updates on the kid’s lives. I get to see someone, a real person, grow up from baby to adult. Normally, we join people’s lives mid lifeline, but not with these children. With these children, I get to watch them go from four years old to Fordham University.

Loads of laundry today: 3 washed, dried and folded.
Home Cooked meals: 1, chicken noodle soup-from scratch.

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