Monday, February 25, 2008

Day 46 2/25/08 13:45

Thirteen is the number of pages required in the online application I filled out. Forty five is the number of minutes it took me to complete the application. It was all together far more complicated than I imagined an online application to be. First, I downloaded my resume, then “something” cut and pasted the content into the online form. Second step was to fill in the gaps. I did my best but there were some questions I could hardly answer. The first section was all yes/no questions and I found my palms sweating and my heart beating while reviewing the questions. I have never been convicted of a felony, but I sure did read that question five time to ensure I read it correctly and answered accordingly. Vague language stumped me and I had to weed my bull$%^ from the truth and honestly examine where I used to work, what I used to do, my qualifications and what I could stretch. Lastly, I had to list reference, don’t worry I have some great ones but I was overcome with paranoia that I might miss spell something, list a wrong number or email address…oh the horror.
In the end I probably painted myself a lesser candidate, but better to err’ on that side of caution. I certainly didn’t want to misrepresent myself to a possible employer. At the end of the day I have one complete application that is up for review. I am also on a mailing list for “similar jobs” and they will contact me with more information. Hey, it’s a step, no matter if it’s a baby step, it’s still a step.

Today: four loads of laundry, one card, reading, ten toes painted, one application and dinner on the stove.

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