Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day 47 2/26/08 Walk the line

I bucked my usual dreadmill workout today, exchanging it for an outdoor jaunt by the Mississippi River. The day looked pleasant, mild and sunny so I set forth in my journey only to notice the small crystal flakes of snow swirling and the invisible gusts of wind nipping at my neck. Onward I walked, just hoping to reach the river so the wind would be at my back. And then it was. It’s silent squalls gave momentum to walk faster and swing my arms more wildly. I was jamming to my iPod, picking up the pace during the fast songs and slowing for the somber ones. I passed my usual turn around point, and thought “today I am going to go further. I’m already freezing, what’s another 8 blocks?” I power walked on. I was lost in my own musical word, only stepping out to give a polite smile to other crazies walking or running on this cold day. I trekked on, the last leg completely uphill and snow covered. I slipped only once, and managed to arrive home just at the end of a U2 song. Ah, all in a days work.

Miles walked today: 2.1
Songs played on iPod while walking :17

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