Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 48 2/27/08 A toast to Wednesdays

I am naughty. I am bad. I spent part of this afternoon at a bar, drinking beer. Ah, I only had two beers, but they might have been the best in my life. The brown bottle, the golden liquid so cold, crisp, refreshing, and defiant. I was at a bar in the middle of the afternoon in the middle of the week. I know how appreciative I should be for this field trip. I also know that I wasn’t alone at the bar. Not five minutes after I arrived did my friend’s husband show up with work friends. We had a good chuckle over our coincidental meeting and I even made a phone call to his wife letting her know that her husband and I were having a beer together, at separate tables of course. Then, not more that five minutes after that another friend’s husband wandered in. I found him alone, belly to bar just killing time before he had to be somewhere. We made idle chit chat and he claimed this was his first afternoon he’d been there, but he seemed right at home on his stool. As I walked back to my friend and my table I had to laugh. I thought, maybe this is where all the husbands go. Maybe this is the quintessential “out” where all husbands gather. I guess the only way to find out will be to go back next week! Cheers to that!

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