Wednesday, March 5, 2008

DAy 53 3/8/08 Walk it off, man

Who coined the phrases “walk it off,” and “shake it off” (I’m sure I could locate this through some internet research, but not now)? Most days I find walking and shaking to be the most annoying course of action. Let’s say a marathon runner has an ankle injury or a major league baseball pitcher breaks his hand, should they nonchalantly “shake and or walk it off? It could end their career or stifle their livelihood. The answer is clear. The answer is no. In both cases one risks sustaining further injury by walking or shaking anything off, unless you meant to shake off a limb, literally. And forgive me, but in the event that I am doing something physical and I hurt myself, the last thing I want to hear someone yell is, “shake it off”, unless they want to hear, “_____ off!” Swiftly followed by, “leave me alone,” or “ Can someone get me a Miller Lite!” This slogan, rather these words of encouragement, do nothing but aggravate me. No walking or shaking for me, it’s back to the locker room I go.

I do advocate the notion of walking off emotional pain, personal injury or indecision. I find the physical act of walking quite therapeutic actually. I find walking without purpose bring clarify and new found focus. Now, if I had to limp along I doubt I’d see things so clearly. But, on any given bad day I get myself outside, or lock myself in the basement with the treadmill I always emerge, or return home, a bit lighter of mind and lifted in spirit. I can’t walk off all my problems, but I do get a certain distance (forgive the pun) which helps.

Miles spent walking it off: 1.112
Beers spent shaking it off: 1

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