Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day 52 3/4/08 On the mend, so now what?

After a good night’s sleep I put yesterday in perspective, and I put it behind me where it ought to be. Yesterday is not today and today is another day. Today I pledge to get my act together, to read the pile of literature and writing recommendations. Today I pledge to finish my friend’s shower invites, update my blog and start curbing my resume and crafting a cover letter for a part time position I’m interested. I also pledge that leaving my corporate job was not all for naught. I am dedicated to making my next career, or job, something different. What I intend to apply for is an Event Coordinator for the Minneapolis Parks and Rec. This is 180 degrees different than my last job, also noting it is part time and only lasts through the fall. I hesitate in applying because will I be in the exact same boat next fall? Will this potential opportunity lead to something great? Will working part time be one of the answers I was looking for? Then again, any money is more money than what I’m bringing in now. And, I’ve determined that in the past couple months people can live on a lot less money than they think. I’ve done some soulful searching about what, and what things are important to me. When I die, I’m not taking any of my crap with me so that speaks volumes to what’s truly valuable. I’ve digressed. Back to the subject at hand. I think I should just shut up and embrace this. I asked a good friend of mine if I should apply for this job, and he said, “Why wouldn’t you? If you’re the least bit interested, then just go for it.“ I’m more than the least bit interested in it…More to come.

Mikes walked: 1.2

Activity for tonight: CRAFT (Crafty Radical Awesome Female (Bonding) Time)

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