Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day 51 3/3/08 Down down down

(Today's title makes me think of the scene in The Cable Guy when Jim Carey and Ben Stiller go to Medieval times and chant, "down, down, down. The red night's going down!")

Today finds me in a funk. I know I’ll rebound, but today I’d prefer to wallow in my concern and crabbiness. The morning was fine, I got my usual chores accomplished, but the afternoon took a downward spiral into the unemployment abyss. I receive, not surprisingly, a rejection letter from one of the companies I applied to. In truth, I was on the fence about this company and this job in particular, but the letter simply reaffirmed the lack of confidence I was already hiding in the day. I tried to be somewhat positive and read between the lines, but really, between the lines was just white space. The email, not even a letter or call, was cordial enough, “Based on careful review of the job requirements and your current skills and qualifications, we have determined that you are not a candidate for this position. Although you were not selected, we hope you will continue to visit our Career Center at ________________.” Ok then…I’ll dive into the part of me that truly didn’t want this job, but just wanted to see what would happen, and retreat. I think I’ll stay inside this part of me for the rest of the day. Today I’m not feeling worthy enough for even a phone call or letter. I guess I’d rather know sooner than later.

Miles walked: 1.1

Items purchased at the grocery store: 71

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