Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 50 2/29/08 The big 5-0 on leap year

I wonder if day 50 falling on leap year is good luck. I hope so. At the very least I hope it’s not bad luck. Seeing the big 5-0 on my calendar today makes me feel like I’ve reached some sort of milestone. I haven’t really, but I feel like I’ve conquered my forties and the best are yet to come. I feel like I’m one year close to retirement, even though I know this is just in days. Then I think about it again and realize that it’s been ten entire working weeks without work. Holy crap! Ten weeks really hits home. I think of all the things I’ve done in ten weeks and then I think about all the things that could be done in 10 weeks… half a TV season, almost one trimester of a pregnancy, half a school semester… I could go on, but the magnitude of these ten weeks off hits me. I’m going to absorb this and roll with it. Leaving my job was still the best decision and I stand by it with pride. This milestone is just a little blip in what will be the entirety of my career. Hello fifties, bring it on!

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