Sunday, March 9, 2008

Day 55 3/7/08 Dear diary

Dear dream job,

Hi. How are you? What have you been up to? I haven’t heard from you in over twenty eight years, where have you been? I’m wondering why you never email, call, or write. Have I done something to offend? I know we left things on ambiguous terms, but I really thought you’d come around and see things my way. I really thought that you’d make an effort to find me. I admit that I am disappointed in you. Things between us didn’t turn out as planned.

I spent all those years in school working for you. I spent all that time in college learning for you. I’m sorry I wasted all those years at the other job trying to avoid you. I think I just wasn’t ready for our relationship. Our distance was unintentional. I just didn’t know how to deal with you. Then one thing leads to another, and one year lead to a second and life got busy. Have I not apologized enough for that? I’ve racked my brain and spent many restless nights, excluding the ones where I cried myself to sleep thinking about you. I wonder what you look like now. I wonder how you’re spending your time. I’ve sent letters to different jobs, offered myself to others, but they just aren’t you. I’m trying to find you not get over you.

I thought I did everything I was supposed to do. I’m hoping you’ve never been too far away. Are you watching me watch you? I hope so.

Please email, call, or write soon. I need you.


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