Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 57 3/11/08 Pidittle

One headlight always burns out before the other. Uno break light on my car goes out. A single light bulb from a chandelier always blackens before the others. I noticed this while I was on the freeway last night. As we pulled behind the blue Pontiac Grand Am I thought to myself, “gosh buddy, it’s dark out turn your lights on!” As we got closer it turned out that his lights were in fact on, but that both of his tail lights were in fact burnt out. It was a strange sight, I mean you never have two things burn out at once. This was a rarity; a highway gem. I looked at the car as we passed and gave him a “thumbs up.” Both tail lights burnt out at the same time, this was his lucky day. He wasn’t forced to drive a pidittle, or get pulled over for just one tail light being out. He went full court press on this weather he knew it or not. It just got me to thinking about all of the oddities that happen with lights and light bulbs and how nothing happens simultaneously. I’m only left to presume then behind the flicking of a switch is a complicated labyrinth of wire board. It may look to us like we’re turning on a light fixture, or our car lights at the same time, but some tedious wires spark just milliseconds before another. An organized sequential release of power that appears coincident to the naked eye. That has to be the actual explanation, though I prefer my own explanation that life just isn’t fair and something’s aren’t perfect.

Today I think I’m going to send my resume to a recruiter. No harm in securing back up for what could be an uphill battle. I’ve never worked with a recruiter before. Heck, there is a lot I haven’t done before, but I guess I’ll give this a try. Today I’m going to walk along the river because it’s a warm and sunny 42 degrees outside and I don’t want to waster the day. Today I’ll also fire off a few emails… a couple to potential contacts and a couple potential submissions.

Outlook today: ambiguous

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