Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Day 63 3/19/08 Old Spice

My grandmother smelled old today. A semi-sweet and sour eau de perfume of age. In her defense she just turned 95 and from all outward appearances is doing quite well for her age. However, we actually lost her about six or seven years ago to Alzheimer’s, leaving only glimpses of her remaining. I spent the morning with my grandparents. Not working has granted me more time, and precious memories with them. I indulge myself in the time spent with them. As we were loading up the car with groceries, and I was helping my grandmother into the backseat she smiled at me, thanking me, and that’s when I smelled it. It was soft and subtle, not offensive, but present. I know she’s old and is an old lady but there have only been small indicators of her chronology thus far. As quickly as I smelled it it was swept up with the wind. I proceeded to buckle her up and head home. I’ll pretend it didn’t happen and live in ignorance (and bliss) for awhile longer

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