Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 64 3/20/08 Work it

I met an old work friend for lunch today and got schmoozed. I got worked, schooled, call it was you will. I was a client and he was trying to sell himself. New to sales he was smooth, but most definitely intentional and awkwardly deliberate. I didn’t have anything offer him yet he seemed to hang on my words and in many instances make me repeat myself. I didn’t tell him anything he couldn’t already find out We laced the conversation with personal antic dotes and updated on acquaintances, but at times the talk was forced. It was a word dance where he’d push forward and I pushed back always trying to bring the conversation back to a personal step. I respected his effort and held a bit of pride in knowing that he thought I was someone that could help him out. Maybe someday I can, but not today. Today, I’ll hug him goodbye, promise to do it again and thank him for the free meal.

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