Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 69 3/27/08 Seminar

Tonight I attended a “Get Started in Freelance” seminar. It was a free seminar hosted by the University of Minnesota public library and the guest speaker was Sandra Rector. We entered the old, brick laden building to find a cozy table with crackers, cookies and juice. Wow, a free seminar and after dinner snack all for free . . . who needs a job? I can live like a queen. We settled into the corner nook of the library for Sandra’s hour long repartee about her career. She dolled out helpful advice some that surprised us, and some that we already knew. She told silly tales of tracking down leads and obnoxious interviews with famous people who you’d never expect to answer a door naked. We heard of the highs and heard of the lows and were left with a few basic thoughts, “Have no fear. Say what you have to say and say it. If someone doesn’t like it you’ll never have to hear from them again.” I think all of this is easier said than done, but in life, what isn’t. All in all it was time well spent and even better money well spent. I review her lessons from day to day and try to find my own voice, and push aside my own fear

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