Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 70 3/28/08 Dr. & Mrs.

I nervously gulped down my first margarita over an endless bowl of chips and salsa. Today was the day. My husband was in New York defending his honor, his life, and his doctoral dissertation. I knew how I wanted it to end; I just wasn’t sure how it was going to end. Among many other positive traits my husband is a brilliant man. I had no doubts that he could deliver his speech, articulately answer questions and work the crowd, but what would the board say. The past seven years of his life and career, and the next twenty seven of his life and career with in the hands of some committee. In the end they were capable and accepting hands, taking shape in the form on congratulatory handshakes. He breathes easier now, and so do I. Another drink, yes please.

I’ve politely asked that all subsequent mail be sent to Dr. and Mrs. Meyer! J

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