Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 71 3/31/08 (Re)Tardy

I never run late. I always run early. I’ve always thought it rude and inconsiderate of people to consistently be late. I never wanted to be the person that ran late. However, in the past couple weeks there have been some incidents. Now, I fully understand and take responsibility for the fact that I’m not working. I understand that this alone should free up so much time that I am never late, for anything, ever. Why is this not the case then? How come I run between five and eight minutes late for 2 of my last nine or ten appoints? How is this humanly possible? I confessed my shame to a friend and she graciously replied, “don’t worry about it. Even when you’re not working you can keep yourself super busy and time can still get away from you.” How sweet. I hope it wasn’t empty understanding or sarcasm because it really is true. Working forces you to schedule yourself down to the minute. Not working gives to flexibility, day dreaming and skewed sense of time. I’m making a pact with myself to never be late again; working or not working. However, Steinbeck said it best with, “The best laid plans of men often go awry.” Not me Mr. Steinbeck, not today and not tomorrow.

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