Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 72 4/1/08 April’s fool

Not one person tried to pull an April fool’s Day prank or joke on me. What a boring, boring day. Perhaps the joke was the six plus inches of snow that fell yesterday. Only in MN can we go from fifty degrees and sunny one day, to six inches of snow the next, and then right back to fifty degrees the day after. Apparently it’s environmentally possible, but I just don’t buy it. So the day was fine and we all underwent a deep thaw. Snow covered trees wept heavy snow tears throughout the day and the grass began to emerge. I spent the better part of the afternoon with my grandparents at the Dr.’s office (and I don’t mean my husband’s office), so maybe that joke was on me. I was glad to be able to help and grandpa got the ok to “get behind the wheel” again. In hindsight, many people and higher being did play some April Fools Day jokes, making me April’s fool.

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