Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 73 4/2/08 Back in the saddle

I am up. I am refreshed. The bed is made and it’s not even noon. I am getting back on the horse. I’ve caught up on all my emails (is it just me or can one spend hours and hours on email and the internet? It’s sickening and clearly addictive). I’ve gone through all my mail and paid the bills. I’ve done some housework and my blog is current. Now the only thing left to do today is fine a job. Luckily my progress will be interrupted by lunch with a good friend. She’ll be here in about an hour and who knows where the afternoon will take us. We’ll probably talk of recent events, books, life, love, and her. It’ll be a good afternoon. Tonight I have my writing group, so I hope to find time between the two to fit in some much needed job searching. . .

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