Thursday, April 3, 2008

Day 74 4/3/08 Batter up!

Just like in baseball life likes to throw a curveball every once and awhile. My memories took a sharp turn this afternoon, literally. I was driving down the street and there was a detour. Detours by nature are unexpected, but this one was especially surprising. I was routed off the main street back through my old neighborhood. A right, then a left and just up the block was the house I grew up in. Someone else lived there now. My friend no longer lives across the street, and my other friend moved away as well. When I drive by my house I feel like I’m ten years old again. Warm memories come rushing back to me. Vivid recollections bring me back to lazy summer days playing neighborhood games outside well into night without a care in the world. I reflect on the neighbors, and how gave out the best candy at Halloween. I think back to block parties and sleepovers. I wish I still lived in that house. I was ten again. It takes me but twenty seconds to drive down my block, but the turn of this day will stay with me forever.

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