Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day 77 4/8/08 DIEt Coke

I just can’t drink like I used to. Beer, fine. Wine, fine. But, Diet Coke, not so fine anymore. For the past seven years every morning I would wake up, get ready for work and settle into the morning with a Diet Coke. It didn’t matter what, if anything, I was having for breakfast because my Diet Coke was my coffee and it went with everything. For the past week or so I’ve been unable to finish one measly can with breakfast. Perhaps I am getting sick and this is the worst sign of all. Perhaps I’m sadly growing out of my Diet Coke phase. It’s hard to see outside of this addiction because I’ve been “off the wagon” for over fifteen years. Many people argued with me that Diet Coke was gross and I was simply drinking it to avoid the calories of regular pop, but this was not the case at all. First of all, if you knew what I looked like you’d be well away that I don’t discriminate against food or shy away from calories. Secondly, having three sips of non diet pop makes me feel like I’ve just eaten an entire box of sugary sweets. I honestly enjoy the muted taste and accompanying strange refreshment of the diet beverage.
Disclaimer though, I enjoy diet coke over all sodas/pops and I don’t usually care for the diet variety of Pepsi products or any clear pops. So, I guess only time will tell is my diminished taste for diet coke is simply a fluke, a sign of maturity, or an indicator of a larger problem.

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