Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day 79 4/10/08 CA, pain in the, REAR


- Show Spelled Pronunciation[kuh-reer] Pronunciation Key

–noun occupation or profession, esp. one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework:

2.a person's progress or general course of action through life or through a phase of life, as in some profession or undertaking.

3.success in a profession, occupation, etc.

4.a course, esp. a swift one

5.speed, esp. full speed:

6.Archaic. a charge at full speed. run or move rapidly along; go at full speed.

8.having or following a career; professional

Hmm. . . .

An occupation requiring special training- not necessarily

A person’s progress or general course of action through life, or through a phase of life- this one I like because between the lines it implies there can be more than on career for a person depending on the phase of life.

Success in a profession- I’m working on this one

A course, esp a swift one- this on is only true is a) you know what you want and b) you know the right people

Archaic, a charge at full speed- again, only if you know what you want or know the right person

To run or move rapidly along- slow and steady wins the race

Having or following a career; professional- still working on this one too

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