Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 11 1/8/08 Not my lucky day

If only this were November 11th today would be my lucky day. If only I wrote today's entry at 11:11 today would be my lucky day. I'm going to make my own luck from now. I'm going to embraced that fact that though I think I may be cursed with bad luck, I just have to deflect it. I'm going to embrace the notion that I have no luck- good or bad. I'm going to start believing in all the inspirational quotes my friend Erick sends to me. I'm going to take a hold of my own destiny and future and ride it into the sunset. No, I haven't been drinking today (though that sounds appealing); I'm just feeling very positive today. I'm sure tomorrow with bring less optimism, so I'll just enjoy it today.

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