Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 1.75 12/23/07 Prancer & Pedicures

T'was the night before Christmas and come lookey, lookey all in the house were stuck baking cookies. Sugars one, nut rolls with homemade bread on the side. Day three still feels like vacation, Christmas vacation. We spent the morning lounging and baking and an hour of our afternoon we spend in spa chairs. I could get use to the spa chairs. I love them. The silky warm bath you plunge you feel like Calgon has taken you away. When I make my first million I'm going on install one of these chairs in a special room. When I make my first million I am also going to send my husband to select cosmetology classes so he can learn to give me pedicures. I think this plan will go over well. Day three feels much like day 1 and 2, I'm sure as the distance between having a job and not have a job lengthens things will start to feel differently and the days will start to distance themselves.

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