Friday, February 15, 2008

Day 40 2/15/08 the Big 4-0ver the hill

My husband thinks I dream more than most people, and it’s cute to watch him try to interpret my dreams. He has a habit of relating them all back to him. In some way, he thinks he infiltrates my REM. I have to disagree. It’s not that he’s not in them; he’s just not the reason behind all of them. He’s not the man behind the curtain. My dreams are very vivid and if I have one dream that usually lead to a series of dreams in one night. Often times they are non sequential and the only common denominator is that I had them all in the same night. My dreams are often drenched in color and too detailed for my own good. Sometimes I can identify the elements within my dreams that related to my real life, but usually I can’t. I bought one of those dream books once, but it didn’t help. I need something more comprehensive. For example, I would have a dream that I was running through a field of red flowers are myself, but a younger self. At the end of the field was a school. I would enter the school and be surrounded by friends, but be late for class, or ditch it entirely because I could never get my locker opened. Now, upon waking from a similar dream I would consult my dream book. Oh great, I must look up each event: child, running, red flower, school, friends, late, locker and try to string together the book’s explanation of events. It never made any fricken sense and got rid of the book. I think it mars the dreams to try to interpret them too much. I welcome them as an escape or adventure, and nothing more. I don’t want to spoil the few surprise life has yet to give.

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