Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Day 68 3/26/08 Ba Bye now

Two month old babies can’t wave or say goodbye. Babies at 5 months of age usually can’t wave or say goodbye, so why do we expect them to? Rather, why do their parents expect them to be able to wave and talk at premature ages? Have you ever been leaving a friend’s house or a gathering and as you walk out the door the parent takes their child’s limp hand in an attempt for make the baby wave goodbye to you? Have you been leaving and the parents hold their child in front of them puppetering their non-verbal child to say “ba bye?” I used to think this behavior was cute, now it scares me. For one, the baby is obviously disconnected to the exchange; only have recently discovered that they have a hand to wave. Secondly, it puts awkward pressure on the person leaving to reciprocate a noncommittal wave or baby talk good bye. Admittedly, I’ve done it myself with my niece and nephew, but why? Does it somehow reinforce a connection to the person leaving? Or does it force a connection to that person? Isn’t it just awkward? I mean, in retrospect, I’d rather see the child wave or say “ba bye” when they are able to do it on there own without a commandeering parent. It’s sweet in theory, but creepy in practice. So the verdict is in, this is one offense I don’t plan on re-committing.

Day 67 3/25/08 Crunch time, minus the crunch

The days are slowly slipping through my fingers. I’d love to stay home indefinitely, but it’s not in the cards for me. I must jump start my job search. I am feeling under the weather and unmotivated to do this. I’m feeling hot and cold and shivers run down my spine, not because I’ve found the perfect job, but because I’m sick and tired. It’s a lame excuse and I just have to commit to the search. It’s not so much of a commitment as a dedication to the job search. I don’t have to commit to anything. What’s the harm in internet research, it itself can’t lead to disappointment and rejection.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Day 66 3/24/08 Spring is in the air

Spring must be close at hand because I got a cold. I’m notorious for getting colds in the off season. No amount of Vitamin C or Zinc or Echinacea can fight against this. That is to say, I only get colds in the spring or summer, not in the winter when everyone else is getting them, or when one expects to get them. My dry throat gave way to a sore throat. Then my head started to pound and the chills came to town. I don’t know what it is about spring that triggers my cold, but it happens every year, without fail. I guess I should take it as a sign, as sure as the birds’ chirping that spring has sprung. I must now go and blow my nose, again. Happy official spring plus three days!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 65 3/21/08 Snow Day USA

Remember when you were a child and you’d take long adventurous walks in the snow? Can you remember the sound your moon boots made when they were just too heavy to lift off the ground? They’d drag out a “thunk thunk thunk” and make that classic plastic skimming cement noise? Ah, brings me back to the snowstorm of 1990, but that is a story for another day. . I sometimes feel that life should stop when I go to sleep so I’m startled when awake to the white covering. 3 plush inches of thick sticky white stuff landed on our laps, yards, roads and cars this morning Time didn’t stop while I slept and the sun gives way to a crisp view of my backyard. It was covered in snow, along with the roof, the road and the sidewalk of my house as well as everyone else’s. Seldom black streaks of road creep in an out of this Ansel Adams moment. It’s time to grab the camera and go exploring. I’ve granted myself a “snow day” from the job search, released myself from the guilt of not having a job. Today I’m an amateur photographer on a mission. My mission is to capture some of the beauty and wonder of this March Madness snowstorm

Day 64 3/20/08 Work it

I met an old work friend for lunch today and got schmoozed. I got worked, schooled, call it was you will. I was a client and he was trying to sell himself. New to sales he was smooth, but most definitely intentional and awkwardly deliberate. I didn’t have anything offer him yet he seemed to hang on my words and in many instances make me repeat myself. I didn’t tell him anything he couldn’t already find out We laced the conversation with personal antic dotes and updated on acquaintances, but at times the talk was forced. It was a word dance where he’d push forward and I pushed back always trying to bring the conversation back to a personal step. I respected his effort and held a bit of pride in knowing that he thought I was someone that could help him out. Maybe someday I can, but not today. Today, I’ll hug him goodbye, promise to do it again and thank him for the free meal.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Day 63 3/19/08 Old Spice

My grandmother smelled old today. A semi-sweet and sour eau de perfume of age. In her defense she just turned 95 and from all outward appearances is doing quite well for her age. However, we actually lost her about six or seven years ago to Alzheimer’s, leaving only glimpses of her remaining. I spent the morning with my grandparents. Not working has granted me more time, and precious memories with them. I indulge myself in the time spent with them. As we were loading up the car with groceries, and I was helping my grandmother into the backseat she smiled at me, thanking me, and that’s when I smelled it. It was soft and subtle, not offensive, but present. I know she’s old and is an old lady but there have only been small indicators of her chronology thus far. As quickly as I smelled it it was swept up with the wind. I proceeded to buckle her up and head home. I’ll pretend it didn’t happen and live in ignorance (and bliss) for awhile longer

Day 62 3/18/08 Whine Night

Today’s activities included internet job hunting and baking with my grandparents. The day was topped off by two glasses of Smoking Loon Shiraz. We pulled the cork out (in one piece thank you very much) and it Whooo Whooo on it. My friend and I laughed trying to interpret the text to whoo hoo, only to realize the words were loon noises. Another drink anyone? Ah, whatever the brand was it was alcoholic and a good way to unwind from the day; generous pours over personal conversation.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day 61 3/17/08 Tom Foolery

I don’t have an ounce of Irish blood running through my veins. I determined the best way to avoid green beer guzzling drunkards was to be as far away from the Irish as possible. So, I had lunch at a Mexican restaurant (not crowded at all) and dinner at an American chain (not crowded either). I think my plan worked perfectly. While, I don’t enjoy the St. Patty’s Day celebration as much as others, I don’t discourage celebrating. I was slightly disappointed that in all my running around yesterday I only saw one drunk Irishman. I know he was drunk because he was responsibly waiting for the bus, a little after 11am wearing a bright green leprechaun hat and stickers on his face. No sober male would be caught dead in public with green clover stickers plastered all over his face (plastered being the operative word). No to worry, I did make time for my resume re-vamp. Based off some feedback from a recruiter I deemed my resume insufficient and outdated. With new resume in tow, I look forward to what tomorrow brings.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Day 60 3/14/08 Down is up

I felt soured.
A pit rising,
gaining momentum with every second
and every breath.

Weakened by fear
and stunted by tears
my heart swelled
head pounded.
I was down.

So low
that down looked up
with fate most cruel slyly
laughing at me.

What a wicked day.
Chintzy with kindness.

Winner took all
Not for the pain or regret,
sorrow, anger
or disappointment

Again so low
That down looked up.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Day 59 3/13/08 Guilty Pleasures

Today I feel guilty. I feel guilty I quit my job. I feel guilty that I don’t have a job. I feel guilty that my husband works two jobs. I feel guilty that I want him to double his income. I feel guilty for secretly not wanting a new full time job. I feel guilty for betraying myself and settling right out of college. I feel guilty for making my self feel bad. I am guilty of feeling guilty. At age 28.8 can I be so disillusioned with work that I never want to have a full time job again? At my age should I be at this crossroads? Is it healthy? Is it late, a delayed quarter life crisis? Am I being selfish for looking for something more? Should I just shut up and take the next job that comes my way. Should I turn my head and look the other way and accept complacency? Today I’m wrestling with my emotions and I don’t know which one is going to win out. I have an appointment scheduled this afternoon with a recruiter. Perhaps she can shed some light on my situation. I mean, someone has to at least.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Day 58 3/12/08 Out of sorts and short on luck

Today I feel very disjointed and out of sorts. My internet isn't working and neither is my brain.

Possible jobs to look into: 3
Submissions for publication: 1
Miles walked: 2.01
Appointment with employment recruiter: 1

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 57 3/11/08 Pidittle

One headlight always burns out before the other. Uno break light on my car goes out. A single light bulb from a chandelier always blackens before the others. I noticed this while I was on the freeway last night. As we pulled behind the blue Pontiac Grand Am I thought to myself, “gosh buddy, it’s dark out turn your lights on!” As we got closer it turned out that his lights were in fact on, but that both of his tail lights were in fact burnt out. It was a strange sight, I mean you never have two things burn out at once. This was a rarity; a highway gem. I looked at the car as we passed and gave him a “thumbs up.” Both tail lights burnt out at the same time, this was his lucky day. He wasn’t forced to drive a pidittle, or get pulled over for just one tail light being out. He went full court press on this weather he knew it or not. It just got me to thinking about all of the oddities that happen with lights and light bulbs and how nothing happens simultaneously. I’m only left to presume then behind the flicking of a switch is a complicated labyrinth of wire board. It may look to us like we’re turning on a light fixture, or our car lights at the same time, but some tedious wires spark just milliseconds before another. An organized sequential release of power that appears coincident to the naked eye. That has to be the actual explanation, though I prefer my own explanation that life just isn’t fair and something’s aren’t perfect.

Today I think I’m going to send my resume to a recruiter. No harm in securing back up for what could be an uphill battle. I’ve never worked with a recruiter before. Heck, there is a lot I haven’t done before, but I guess I’ll give this a try. Today I’m going to walk along the river because it’s a warm and sunny 42 degrees outside and I don’t want to waster the day. Today I’ll also fire off a few emails… a couple to potential contacts and a couple potential submissions.

Outlook today: ambiguous

Monday, March 10, 2008

Day 56 3/10/08 The merry go round, and round and round

Why do we continually repeat our mistakes and recycle our poor habits and bad behaviors? How many times do we have to tell ourselves that we’ll never do something again, only to do it again the very next day. This dawned on my again last night as I was filing down a nail I’d chomped off. As a child I was big into nail biting, but when I grew up I envied long nails and vowed to grown mine out no matter what. I slip every once and awhile and every time my nail breaks voluntarily I tell myself that “this is the last time.” If a cat has nine lives, then how man ‘last times’ can one person have? I presume to have at least a million because I’ve probably told myself a million times to stop doing one thing or another. It’s like we all experience temporary amnesia and sanity kicks in one split second too late. We become so fixated on a chipped nail, a ripe pimple, stray grey hairs, and blisters.

For the record, I’ve never heard of an instance where someone need their stomach pumped because they ate too many fingernails. A mouth is a human nail clipper and in a pinch it’s all you got. Gross but true. I think that chipped nails need immediate emery board attention or you’re doomed. Not to be vulgar but most pimples need popping. How many times have you been talking to someone and all you can see is a full pimple on their chin? You’re entranced by it and you spend the entire conversation wondering to yourself how they can’t see it, or why they don’t just pop it. Stray grey hairs are annoying and must be plucked. Seven more will not grow back in their place and even if they do, just pluck those suckers too. Blisters were meant to be drained. All that rubbing needs some relief. And don’t lie to yourself, there is a sick satisfaction in biting nails, popping pimples, plucking hairs and draining blisters. There is nothing to be ashamed of, we all feel the same way. Go ahead, just admit it. Just pop it, you’ll feel better.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Day 55 3/7/08 Dear diary

Dear dream job,

Hi. How are you? What have you been up to? I haven’t heard from you in over twenty eight years, where have you been? I’m wondering why you never email, call, or write. Have I done something to offend? I know we left things on ambiguous terms, but I really thought you’d come around and see things my way. I really thought that you’d make an effort to find me. I admit that I am disappointed in you. Things between us didn’t turn out as planned.

I spent all those years in school working for you. I spent all that time in college learning for you. I’m sorry I wasted all those years at the other job trying to avoid you. I think I just wasn’t ready for our relationship. Our distance was unintentional. I just didn’t know how to deal with you. Then one thing leads to another, and one year lead to a second and life got busy. Have I not apologized enough for that? I’ve racked my brain and spent many restless nights, excluding the ones where I cried myself to sleep thinking about you. I wonder what you look like now. I wonder how you’re spending your time. I’ve sent letters to different jobs, offered myself to others, but they just aren’t you. I’m trying to find you not get over you.

I thought I did everything I was supposed to do. I’m hoping you’ve never been too far away. Are you watching me watch you? I hope so.

Please email, call, or write soon. I need you.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Day 54 3/6/08 It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) sunshiny day

The chorus of Neil Finn’s I Can See Clearly now echoes in my head today as I approach the bed. I’m going to conquer bed making in the morning today. I’m going to tame the sheets and domesticate the comforter, all before noon. I walk into the dark room and immediately open the blinds. Shades of grey lift tenfold and the room is transformed. A shallow and fading cast of shade just across the bed gives light on the north way. I am immediately prompted to walk through the rest of the house and open all remaining blinds. I can’t fight the sun. I can’t fight the day. It is seeping in through the one inch fold of the faux wooden blinds. I am letting sun and positively saturate my house and my mood today. Then the song pops in my head and I walk upstairs humming it. I don’t hum, what’s going on?

I can see clearly now the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way,
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.
'cuz It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) sunshiny day.
'cuz It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) sunshiny day.

I think I can make it now the pain is gone,
And all of the bad feelings have disappeared,
Here is the rainbow I've been praying for.
'cuz It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) sunshiny day.

Look all around, nothing but blue skies.
Look straight ahead, nothing but blue skies.

I can see clearly now the rain is gone.
I can see all obstacles in my way.
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.
'cuz It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) sunshiny day.
'cuz It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) sunshiny day.
'cuz It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) sunshiny day. (Neil Finn)

‘cuz It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright), job finding day.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

DAy 53 3/8/08 Walk it off, man

Who coined the phrases “walk it off,” and “shake it off” (I’m sure I could locate this through some internet research, but not now)? Most days I find walking and shaking to be the most annoying course of action. Let’s say a marathon runner has an ankle injury or a major league baseball pitcher breaks his hand, should they nonchalantly “shake and or walk it off? It could end their career or stifle their livelihood. The answer is clear. The answer is no. In both cases one risks sustaining further injury by walking or shaking anything off, unless you meant to shake off a limb, literally. And forgive me, but in the event that I am doing something physical and I hurt myself, the last thing I want to hear someone yell is, “shake it off”, unless they want to hear, “_____ off!” Swiftly followed by, “leave me alone,” or “ Can someone get me a Miller Lite!” This slogan, rather these words of encouragement, do nothing but aggravate me. No walking or shaking for me, it’s back to the locker room I go.

I do advocate the notion of walking off emotional pain, personal injury or indecision. I find the physical act of walking quite therapeutic actually. I find walking without purpose bring clarify and new found focus. Now, if I had to limp along I doubt I’d see things so clearly. But, on any given bad day I get myself outside, or lock myself in the basement with the treadmill I always emerge, or return home, a bit lighter of mind and lifted in spirit. I can’t walk off all my problems, but I do get a certain distance (forgive the pun) which helps.

Miles spent walking it off: 1.112
Beers spent shaking it off: 1

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day 52 3/4/08 On the mend, so now what?

After a good night’s sleep I put yesterday in perspective, and I put it behind me where it ought to be. Yesterday is not today and today is another day. Today I pledge to get my act together, to read the pile of literature and writing recommendations. Today I pledge to finish my friend’s shower invites, update my blog and start curbing my resume and crafting a cover letter for a part time position I’m interested. I also pledge that leaving my corporate job was not all for naught. I am dedicated to making my next career, or job, something different. What I intend to apply for is an Event Coordinator for the Minneapolis Parks and Rec. This is 180 degrees different than my last job, also noting it is part time and only lasts through the fall. I hesitate in applying because will I be in the exact same boat next fall? Will this potential opportunity lead to something great? Will working part time be one of the answers I was looking for? Then again, any money is more money than what I’m bringing in now. And, I’ve determined that in the past couple months people can live on a lot less money than they think. I’ve done some soulful searching about what, and what things are important to me. When I die, I’m not taking any of my crap with me so that speaks volumes to what’s truly valuable. I’ve digressed. Back to the subject at hand. I think I should just shut up and embrace this. I asked a good friend of mine if I should apply for this job, and he said, “Why wouldn’t you? If you’re the least bit interested, then just go for it.“ I’m more than the least bit interested in it…More to come.

Mikes walked: 1.2

Activity for tonight: CRAFT (Crafty Radical Awesome Female (Bonding) Time)

Day 51 3/3/08 Down down down

(Today's title makes me think of the scene in The Cable Guy when Jim Carey and Ben Stiller go to Medieval times and chant, "down, down, down. The red night's going down!")

Today finds me in a funk. I know I’ll rebound, but today I’d prefer to wallow in my concern and crabbiness. The morning was fine, I got my usual chores accomplished, but the afternoon took a downward spiral into the unemployment abyss. I receive, not surprisingly, a rejection letter from one of the companies I applied to. In truth, I was on the fence about this company and this job in particular, but the letter simply reaffirmed the lack of confidence I was already hiding in the day. I tried to be somewhat positive and read between the lines, but really, between the lines was just white space. The email, not even a letter or call, was cordial enough, “Based on careful review of the job requirements and your current skills and qualifications, we have determined that you are not a candidate for this position. Although you were not selected, we hope you will continue to visit our Career Center at ________________.” Ok then…I’ll dive into the part of me that truly didn’t want this job, but just wanted to see what would happen, and retreat. I think I’ll stay inside this part of me for the rest of the day. Today I’m not feeling worthy enough for even a phone call or letter. I guess I’d rather know sooner than later.

Miles walked: 1.1

Items purchased at the grocery store: 71